Between 1974 and 1976, a British horror magazine was published - here Alex tells why it was so important to him growing up nad feeding his "Horror Fix"! 
As a kid I loved everything to do with Horror Films. I remember sitting up at the age of 12 all alone when everyone else had gone to bed to watch the horror double bill on TV until 2am. Every project at school I related to Horror films - History project was "The history of Horror", English was "The literature of Horror Films" and I read everything I could abvout the subject. At that time a brilliant magazine came out called Monster Mag... 

Posters for the Wall!  

The magazines were large format with loads of bloody images and reviews of films, but the best aspect was that each issues unfolded into a huge 2x3 foot poster! So, instead of having posters of David Cassidy, David Essex etc (showing my age here) I had Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolfman and more! 

They are back!  

Unfortunately, I lost my precious copies and over the years I had searched for them in all the comic shops to no avail, but now I found that some of them are available on ebay! I lost no time in bidding for them and am even now eagerly awaiting the knock on the door to take delivery of them. Not sure if my wife will allow me to put them up on the walls though! 

 Dark Parlour 

 The Secret Room 

 After Dinner Show 

Tagged as: horror films
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