The Secret Room 

A series of intimate performances ideal for a corporate event or party. 
Imagine - as you enter the party or event, you are given a coloured wristband. Somewhere in the venue there is a closed door with a sign on it “Secret Room” - do not enter and outside is a schedule telling you when it is your time to go in. 
At the appointed time you wait outside the room with the 10 or so other guests nervously waiting to see what happens. The door opens and you are invited into the room and take a seat... 
The room is lit by candles and the smell of incense permeates the air. At the front stands Alex and on the table next to him are an assortment of weird and wonderful items - strange boxes, which give no hint of what is to come, but it is obvious that this is not your normal magic show! 
Alex picks up one of the boxes and tells its story.... It might be about: 
Rasputin and Anastacia & how she escaped death 
A haunted coffin bell 
A demon contained within an old wine cabinet 
The Hand of Glory 
Don’t expect applause - this is the sort of entertainment that leaves people stunned into silence with perhaps a nervous giggle wondering if what they saw was real! 


How long does each performance last? 
Each performance is about 20 minutes long 
How many people can be present at a time? 
This depends on the size of the room but ideally no more than 20 and ideally about 10 
Is there a minimum size of group? 
Not really - if you only have 20 people at the party, you could split them into five groups of four and they would still have a great time 
Will the guests need to be sitting? 
Will all the guests see the same thing? 
No, there can be as many as 6 or more different performances per night. 
What do we need to supply? 
Just a room off of the main event area where the door can be closed and the sound from the rest of the party doesn’t intrude and enough seating for the guests.