New After Dinner Show!
Posted on 3rd February 2023 at 14:53
For a long time now, I have been wanting to create a show with loads of audience participation. My shows have always used a lot of people from the audience and typically about 15 people would come up on stage in an average show, but I wanted to get even more people involved and I have finally done it and now during at least 50% of the show, the whole audience are taking part!

It starts off with everyone taking part in the well known game of heads and tails (where everyone gets to choose by using their intuition whether the result is "heads" or "tails" and gets eliminated accordingly until one person is left). They come up on stage to collect their prize (a bottle of Bubbly which has been standing in a bottle bag on stage since the beginning of the show) but when they reach into the bag, as well as the bubbly, they also find an envelope, inside of which is a piece of paper which accurately describes them!

Every person has at their place setting an envelope with the instructions not to open them. They now are invited to do so and inside are various items - some playing cards, some pieces of paper, a pencil and four postcards...
They take out the cards and everyone takes part in random mixing of the cards, yet all experience a moment of magic when something weird happens, followed by a kicker ending which leaves everyone shaking their heads in astonishment.
Further on in the show they take the pencil and either draw a picture, name a city or write a number from 1 - 100 and these are collected and placed in a box, mixed up by a member of the audience who chooses three slips which are successfully revealed in a fun way.

Next follows a new routine based on the hit TV show The Traitors, where the audience get to try and find the "traitor" amongst the "faithfuls" in a fun bit involving lying and telling the truth.
Finally the four postcards are taken (these can be created using photos of the company's products if required), torn in half and everyone takes a piece at random and puts it in their pocket. They then mix up the other pieces and throw away all but one half and to their amazement they see it is the other half to the one they put away earlier!
I have also kept in a couple of my old favourite routines and together with the new material, it is a show which produces multiple "wow" moments and maximum audience participation.
Get in touch now to find out more!